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中國關鍵詞 核工業篇 :核能主要企業

來源:中核智庫 發布日期:2021-11-17



中國核工業集團有限公司(簡稱中核集團)是中國核 科技工業的主體,核能發展與核電建設的中堅,核燃料的 生產商、供應商和服務商,核技術應用的骨干,世界 500 強企業。中核集團自主設計、建造、運營了中國第一座核 電站。截至 2020 年 12 月底,中核集團擁有在運核電機組 23 臺,裝機容量 2138 萬千瓦;在建核電機組 6 臺,裝機 容量 599 萬千瓦。中國廣核集團有限公司(簡稱中廣核)擁有專業化的 核電生產、工程建設、科技研發體系。在 20 世紀 90 年 代成功建設了中國第一座大型商用核電站——大亞灣核電 站。截至 2020 年 12 月底,中廣核擁有在運核電機組 24 臺,裝機容量 2714 萬千瓦;在建核電機組 7 臺,裝機容 量 820 萬千瓦。國家電力投資集團有限公司(簡稱國家電投)是中國 五大電力公司之一,世界 500 強企業。截至 2020 年 12 月 底,國家電投裝機規模達到 1.76 億千瓦,清潔能源裝機占 比為 56.09%。國家電投牽頭組織實施了大型先進壓水堆 核電站國家科技重大專項,擁有在運和在建核電裝機容量 698 萬千瓦。

Keyword 6:Major Nuclear Power Companies

As a Fortune 500 enterprise, the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) is a major player in China’s nuclear science and technology development, and a major nuclear fuel producer, supplier and service provider. It has been extensively involved in promoting nuclear energy development, building nuclear power plants and utilizing nuclear technology. It designed, constructed and has since been operating China’s first nuclear power plant. As of the end of 2020, CNNC had 23 nuclear power units in operation with a total installed capacity of 21.38 GWe and 6 under construction with a total installed capacity of 5.99 GWe. The China General Nuclear Power Corporation (CGN) specializes in nuclear electricity generation and project engineering, and invests heavily in R&D. Back in the 1990s, it successfully built China’s first large commercial nuclear power plant at Daya Bay (Daya Bay NPP). As of the end of 2020, CGN had 24 nuclear power units in operation with a total installed capacity of 27.14 GWe and 7 under construction with a total installed capacity of 8.20 GWe. Another Fortune 500 enterprise, the State Power Investment Corporation (SPIC) is one of China’s top five power companies. As of the end of 2020, its total installed capacity stood at 176 GWe with clean energy accounting for 56.09%. SPIC is leading the implementation of the major national science and technology project on building large advanced PWR nuclear power plant. It has a total installed capacity of 6.98 GWe for nuclear power units in operation and under construction.

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